Sunday, March 2, 2008


Awesome. Google has come up with a free service to find /call business.
Thanks google :-)

US Citizenship Exam

I was initially under the impression that I need to go to the Library and read about US History or take a Civcs lesson something like that. It was heartening to note that in US Citizenship exam we will be asked only 96 questions that are found in the Book. Ah, both the questions and the answers are known. Do people still flunk this? I am really not sure. Most probably they do not have time to prepare (hmm... I do not intend to take more than a day to prepare.... I will find out whether this is sufficient).

There are certain questions, I do not know - why did the Pilgrims came to America? basic beliefs of the Declaration of Independence?; but most of them, are just very basic. Like...Who was the First President of United States? Who is the President of United States - come on, how many can live in a country and still not know who the chief executive is :-) ?

I also saw an interesting movie at - A promise of Freedom - An introduction US History and Civics for Immigrants. There are other material available like Flash cards on the Exam.

Will update on the status later.

Designing adhoc roles

I recently came across a code which creates adhoc roles for sending Missing Timecard notifications to Supervisors.
Requirement: Every timecard has to approved by the Project Manager of the Project. If a timecard is not submitted then a notification has to be sent to the Employee and to the PM of that Project.
Issue: The code I saw created one role for every timecard submitted.
Problem is an Employee will work in various projects, may be even during the same time. There is only one approver for each project. So how can you get this resolved?
The Code I saw, creates an adhoc role for every Timecard submitted. Obviously, this will create millions of rows in wf_local_user_roles, since each role created will have at least 2 persons to notify.
My preferred solution: What I would do is either create one role for every project the Employee works for and append the Project Managers to this; or, create a PLSQL table of persons to whom the notifications has to be sent and in the approval workflow, loop till this list is exhausted.