My Windows 7 was giving troubles of late and was crashing (Blue-screen-of-death) almost 3/4 times daily (Need to figure out that one at some other point of time). Naturally, the Linux OS installed in the VMware, also started giving problems. For the last two days, I could not connect to Oracle from SQLDeveloper. First I got ORA-12541 (Screen -1), then, ORA-12514 error and lastly, a "SO Exception".
Lastly, I logged into SQLPLUS as sys and ran the following command:-
Show parameter local listener (Screen -02).
Bingo! I found that the port number was wrong. Instead of 25000,my tnsnames and listener was set at 3801. Modified the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora and SQLDeveloper was able to connect again (Screen -03)