Thursday, April 15, 2010

SQLDeveloper & 11g Hierarchical Profiler

11g's introduces heirarchical profiler (to learn about Heirarchical profiler click here) . SQLDEVELOPER has a tab which displays profiler details
However, the first time I tried to run it from SQLDeveloper, I came across a waring/error viz; tables/directory missing ( the error was something like this: "Required tables DBMSHP_FUNCTION_INFO,DBMSHP_PARENT_CHILD_INFO,DBMSHP_RUNS missing")
So I logged in as SYS, created PLSHPROF_DIR and granted READ,WRITE access on this directory to "srini" user.
commands I used are given below:

CREATE OR REPLACE directory PLSHPROF_DIR as '/tmp/Oraprofiles';
grant READ, WRITE on directory PLSHPROF_DIR to Srini;
grant execute on DBMS_HPROF to Srini;
grant create table to Srini;
grant create sequence to Srini;
grant unlimited tablespace to Srini;

finally ran the script ran the script dbmshptab.sql
Rerunning the test procedure provided me the profiler results shown above.

Creating Report in SQLDeveloper

Sue harper's blog note shows how easy it is to create a report ( to visit the article click here ) . It wasn't until I tried it out I found out how quickly I can build reports. Since her note required me to use SCOTT user, I found out it was locked; - no problem; just clicked on connections, selected SYS user connection, scrolled down and clicked on "other users", scroll down to "SCOTT" user (Screen-1).
Right click on "SCOTT" enables me to unlock the user as well set the password. Uncheck "Account is locked" and "Password expired" (Screen-2)
Since I was not sure of the column names, I kept the "popup" descriptions of both Dept and Emp tables open. It is pretty straightforward to create a Chart (Screen-3)

Select "Chart Details" Tab, near bottom to change the Graph type to BAR, produces a report as shown below. (Screen-4).

The only gripe I have, is that while creating the report, TAB is used for navigating through the fields and does not work always.  Pressing Tab from Description Field, does not take you to Tool tip field. Other than that, I faced no problem.
In totality, the entire process was pretty easy and quick and for a TOAD user, I am now a happy camper at SQLDeveloper tool.