Thursday, July 26, 2007

Driving in Manhattan and Madras corner shop

I love to drive, ideally in a Two-wheeler; Of course, four wheeler has its own benefits. Best part is when you drive close to the place you would like to visit, alongwith your friends or family;
I was in Manhattan sometime ago, trying to read the street names off the boards, wishing I had a map with me. got mis-guided at least twice (once by a Policeman!), but did find it a pleasant drive - it was a weekend - across the fashion avenue; Although my young 'un was not too happy being fastened in the child seat; She would let us know her displeasure by letting out a squeal now and then.

Getting lost made me wish for good-old Madras Corner shop - or Chennai as it is known nowadays. If I am in a new neighborhood, and I am lost, all I had to do, was to go to the nearest Corner Shop ( also known as Nair kadai; this is a small mom-pop type store, sells usually, Cigarettes, Matches, Bananas). I never had to worry about finding a address; Better still I can even ask by a person's name.
To know more about Madras goto
India Tourism or
Map of Chennai

1 comment:

Krishvanth said...

Yes you're right. The Nair Kadai is an Yellow Pages Directory in disguise..!!