Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Excellent Free JavaScript/XML /XSLT/FO editors

Found Excellent editors to edit XML/XSLT/FO editors
All the editors mentioned below are free (some editors do do not make available all the features in the freebie version).
XMLSpear: http://www.donkeydevelopment.com/#features
XMLFox: http://www.xmlfox.com/ Another free XML Editor. Some of the features are not available in the freebie version.
Editx: Excellent Free XML Editor, cool Features http://free.editix.com/ Requires you to buy, in order to use do FO Translations, XML and other features

For FO Translations:
RenderX: http://www.renderx.com/download/personal.html

Any mention without Microsoft XML Editors is incomplete (Not that it has any cool features). You can also use MS Word to create /Edit XML documents.
XML Notepad: Microsoft XML Editor

Yaldex: http://www.yaldex.com/Free_JavaScript_Editor.htm

Last but not the least,is Oracle JDeveloper - although I am yet to go through it completely and one which I intend to make my favorite - to download goto:

"Paid" Editor:
Of course, there are other "paid" version of XML Editor, which have superior features, some offering fully functional "trial" versions. I have listed below a couple of them:
XMLSPY http://www.altova.com/simpledownload2c.html?gclid=CMrz8q37zqACFYd-5QodfEqp5Q
oXygen: http://www.oxygenxml.com/

1 comment:

Roy D. Slater said...

Hi there, do you happen to know any good links for xml to pdf? I've been trying to figure this out for a while and haven't had much luck. Thanks.